I guess I've got a bone to pick with someone. I know the laws regarding the internet can be very vague, but I'm getting really tired of people taking my pictures and posting them on their website (or in a recent case in their newsletter) and using them for their own monetary gain. I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me. And I'm sure there are some I don't even know about. Maybe I should be flattered by it. But I only seem to find out about it in a round about way. And I've only rarely been contacted for prior authorization.
I work really hard to produce the projects I do, let alone edit the pictures so I can bring them to you. I really make no money in doing this. My purpose for doing it is to inspire you and even be able to recreate it for yourself. And I have no problem with that. I think we all love to share ideas.
But my question to you is this. How do you feel about using other's pictures or other's using yours? I know some websites are totally made up of other's pictures, and none of them their own. A lot of times they're from major magazines and store catalogs. But this has really discouraged me from posting at all. I think I'd feel a little different if I had been contacted in the first place. If you know me, I'm really very giving. But finding out after the fact just makes me plain old mad.
I do think this is a good discussion to have. I'd really love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Am I wrong? Please don't feel bad of me to bring this up. I really want to know. What are your thoughts? My blog from the get go has tried to be totally original, and positive. I want it to be, well....all me. Not anyone else. I want it to be a good reflection of me and my style.
So please, don't hesitate to comnent. I'd love to know your thoughts on the subject, good and bad.

PS The picture used in this post is free clip art.