Well I know I'm a glutten for punishment, or so my hubby tells me! But with all I'm doing, I've added a Holiday Home Tour to the list. I've done this for four years now, so why should I stop now? This year the tour I'm in is being put on by The French Flea, and I love being invited to be a part of it and able to share my home with you. It will only be held one day, Saturday, December 12 from 1-4 pm and the cost is $10. This includes five homes, and I think that's a lot of bang for your buck! To sign up contact Teri at threefrenchhens@yahoo.com or visit the store, The French Flea, during one of their sales and sign up then (click on the link for dates and times). I'd love to have you join us!
For pictures of my home from last year's tour, you can go to Holiday Home Tour 2008 - Part 1, Holiday Home Tour 2008 - Part 2, and Holiday Home Tour 2008 - 3rd and Final.