With the temperatures dropping, and the leaves falling, it's time to get the front porch transformed from summer to fall!
This arrangement on my front door is an old heat duct that had been cut down. It's metal so magnets stick to it.
I purchased this bird house from someone who built it out of vintage pieces. The tea cart I bought new, but after sitting outside for several years, it started to take on this wonderful patina. I love it more now!
This is a 100 year old Paris park bench. I purchased it from an occasional sale in Lindstrom, MN. It looks fabulous on my porch. The pumpkin sitting on it was etched with a saying while it was still growing on the vine. It looks like it came that way naturally :). The sign and pillows were purchased at the Round Barn Potting Co. in Andover, MN.
I purchased this chicken feeder at the Junk Bonanza. My friend, Julie from Design Cafe, stenciled "There's No Place Like Home" on it. Underneath of it is extremely large kale I also purchased at the Bonanza.
This is a very cool cart I purchased at a store in Rogers, MN called the Vintage Cupboard. It is one of my favorites and Karen, the owner, is awesome! I'm not sure what the cart was used for but it's great by my front door. I love it filled with ferns and I added bittersweet to it to make it more fall like.
Here's an old Turkey feeder that's quite a bit larger than the more common chicken feeders.
Check out the extra large white pumpkin!
This I was told is a pig pen gate. Should be in my sons room! Works great to hold my pots and a couple pumpkins. Also in the forefront is a cupola.
Another pumpkin with the etching "Give Thanks" The cement leaves were made by a gal who consigns with me at the Round Barn.
This is a really simple decorating idea of putting a pumpkin on top of an urn.
This bird bath I actually didn't transform from Summer to Fall, but I loved it so much, I left it the way it was. The piece on the top is another thing I don't know what it was used for, but to me it looks like a pumpkin!
Another urn! What can I say? I have a thing for urns!