Does this side table stack up? I think the answer is a definite YES!! I recently purchased these newspaper books. They're all from the City of Glencoe, Minnesota and house each year of the Glencoe Newspaper, from the early 1900's up to the 1960's. What a great find! And how fun to flip through them!
Each book was dated by the year.
Most of them were actually hardbound, but this one had a cardboard cover with the date stamped on the top. It was also nailed together. Yes, I said nailed. Very unique!
It was fun looking through the ads and articles. This one is kind of funny. Anyone need any dead stock....eeeew!
The cartoons are hilarias! I'm wondering if this is how all the kids are feeling right about now with all this amazing weather!
I found two articles in one of the books about this same man. One was annoucing his retirement, the other announcing his death. Makes you not want to ever retire!
Hey guys! You can get your new suits just in time for Easter! Ha! Okay, now I'm getting way too carried away looking through all the articles and ads!!
So back to my side table. It became totally obvious what these needed to be when I had them all stacked up...a side table!
Waa-laa! Instant side table! Easy peazy!
And I actually think the backside looks just as cool.
This numbered box goes with the flow on JUNKMARKET Style Contributor Jim Healy's
Top Ten List to hold the remotes.
Now I'm all set to sit down and watch my favorite shows! American Idol anyone?

To see more of my JUNKMARKET projects, click the link on the side of my blog.