Wednesday, February 25, 2009

An En-Lightening Project that's Music to My Ears!

As some of you may know, I'm a Contributor on the website. This last month Sue Whitney of JMS decided to have a Contributors Challenge. She sent each one of us a vintage player piano roll and we were challenged to create something with it. There were some awesome projects, and you'll have to check them out. This is the project I came up with.

I purchased this trumpet quite awhile a go, intending to make it into a lamp. I thought this was the perfect project for it! I knew I wanted to use the paper from the piano roll to decopage onto the shade. The problem was I couldn't find a barrel shade that would be easy to just wrap the paper around it. I ended up cutting them down in strips. At the top and bottom of the shade I found the perfect ribbon for it and simply hot glued it on. I think it gives it really a vintage feel. I then added the crystal and keys to the bottom.

Don't be off key!

Here's a closer look at the trumpet. I don't
mean to blow my own horn!

I'm just a dancing sweetheart! Be sure to
read it from bottom to top!

"For me, I go to dances and have boyfriends . . . still I'm as
blue as can be!" I love the silly words to this song.


Felicia said...

Oh, I love how that lampshade turned out :)

Free Art Printables said...

THat is so clever! Great job! Jen

Candy Allen - Junk Sophisticate said...

So beautifully neutral! It could go with anything. Thanks for the creative inspiration!

Candy Allen - Junk Sophisticate said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey, you're back! Lovely lamp! Isn't it fun to do something lke that? I especially like the phrase on the base.... cute!

Thanks for stopping by Star's Fault to visit!

Blessings ~ Eileen

cindy said...

That turned out really nice! Great idea! ~Cindy~

Zane Wooder said...

That would be a great gift to someone who plays the trumpet. It's really a honor as a trumpet player to have a lamp like that. You always come out with the best and most unique ideas.

-Zane of ontario honey


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