Out and about at the local occasional sales I came upon this uber cool industrial cabinet. It had narrow shelves on the inside so I wasn't quite sure what to do with it. But the price was right and it was in great shape, so I knew I had to buy it. When I got it home I tried it in a few places. But it's final resting place ended up in the kitchen on my counter. It fit my cook books perfectly. And although I'm not much of a cook, to say the least, maybe I would use them more if they were more convenient. Ha! We'll see.....
Looks like my cat Jazzy is kind of fond of the piece, too. She even matches!
It fit perfectly under the cabinets. With a few metal letters, it gives a clue to what it holds inside.
I can't quite make out the emblem on the front. I think it says it's from a Theater Supply Company that was located on Hennepin Ave. in Minneapolis, MN. Now I'm really curious as to what it was used for.
It has great patina. Love that!
And as you can see, the shelves are very narrow.
There's a cute little rusty spring that holds the door open.
And like I said, the shelves fit my cook books perfectly!
This is probably my favorite of all my cook books, "The Household Searchlight Recipe Book".
And it's an old one...copyright 1936.
Here's a recipe I could probably make. Ha! Toast??! You need a recipe for that?
My distressed "eat" sign hangs near it and goes along with the theme (as if eat isn't the theme for the kitchen already).
And I think it fits in perfectly! Now off to make toast!

To see more of my JUNKMARKET projects, click on the link on the side of my blog.
It's gorgeous! Do you think it was used to hold scripts from plays?
I really do like your style A LOT!!
I love the last photo of your kitchen. It honestly looks like something out of an interiors magazine.
What a perfect piece!! It looks great on the kitchen counter like that!! Great find!!
I like it! I was trying to read the words too...I'm wondering if it's Theater or Heater. Whatever...it's totally cool and perfect for cookbooks. Question: Is there a recipe for boiling water? I'm looking for a good one!
I love this!!! And the cat. LOL BUT! That would make me actually buy some cookbooks!
;-D Lucky YOU!!!
What a find! That looks fabulous in your kitchen!By the way, You have a very classy looking kitchen.
Beautiful cabinet! I'm thinking it could hold sheet music.
What a great way to use your "new" cabniet. What a great find and it works so well in your kitchen.
Again...LOVIN my time here on your beautiful blog! Im adding you to my Blogroll!
What a fantastic piece! Love it!
You know I'm lovin that.
Great find.
Absolutely PERFECT addition to your house!
I have an old ice chest I just bought and now wonder if it fits my decor? If you'd be interested, I can send you a picture of it. It's very cool (no pun intended).
I love your new cookbook holder and your kitchen is adorable! What amazing patina... Thanks for sharing and Sarah is right, it should be featured in a magazine! :-) Kris
I think it is to hold reels of film for movies. It would keep the mice out.
Kind of funny, I scrolled down through your blog and you have pics of reels all over the place.
BE STILL MY WILDLY BEATING HEART....This little galvinised piece is some SERIOUSLY SEXY junk Lani....You may have to keep an eye on it if I ever get to visit....Oh & if we were to ever to a house swap....You'd need to LOCK it away FORSURE....hahahahaha....!!
LOVE IT....!!!!!
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