The Great Room
A big Welcome!
You're greeted by this vintage offering table once used to deposit your church tithes. The white twig tree in the picture might be a little hard to see, but it was purchased from West Elm and the branches are wrapped in book pages. You have to love it! The planter in which it sits in was given to me and personalized by my friend Sue Wolfe of Destination Art.
Another frame again with fun phrases and sayings versus pictures was purchased from Ikea.
I decided to have a real tree this year. First time in I don't know how long. The constant watering of it made it bit of a pain, but I have to say I love how a real tree looks. And the wicker basket on the pallet behind my couch was the perfect place to put it.
I seem to have a little obsession with feather trees. Don't ask me how many I have, but I seem to always find a spot for them.
These were on my Thanksgiving table and I've reused them here. I should probably share them with the birds next don't ya think?
This was an exciting find for me, an old pallet. I picked it up for a measly $25. Can you believe it! I love the industrial wheels on it.
The bus roll numbers were given to me by my good friend Amy of Whisperwood Cottage for Christmas last year. Are they totally awesome or what!
The scale, a purchase made during a visit to Superior Wisconsin with my friend Amy, has some flaws, but that's okay. It's just more well loved that way, right?
This in it's former life was an old theater spotlight. Now it's a mirror. The pillar capital is made from horse hair and clay.
I have a passion for old ironstone and this cupboard is filled with it. I added some bottle brush trees to make it more festive. The little girl planter was given to my mom in the hospital when I was born. It has great sentimental value to me.
Nothing is spared when it comes to decorating, even my windowsill has some seasonal decorations. Of course the hockey skate has special significance as my daughter is an avid hockey player.
This tree was a little bit more challenging for me to decorate as I had to decorate it all the way around. I loaded it to the gills with Christmas balls. And have you ever tried to find plain white balls? That in itself is a challenge.
You may recall these beekers I have that hold ivy cuttings. I just added some Christmas glitz to this one.
An old light globe has found a new home over a a cloche filled with bottle brush trees. It sits on top of an old weight.
Just a simple snowflake ornament adds a little extra to this pair of corbels.
This side of my double fireplace holds a collection of vintage of candlesticks.
A lone bird sits on top of one of them.
A garland of pearls is woven between greens.
I told you I have a lot of feather trees. Here is a whole forest of them.
Contained in a vintage German pan holds birch branches, some with added glitter. They're held in place with florist foam. Some vintage silver ornaments hang from them.
As you can see, a few of my collections...scales, clocks, books and trees.
I honestly was going to try to do this in two posts, but I think I think I'll leave the rest for a third post. Until then.......

This was an incredible tour! Your home is stunning and I LOVE all of your collections and "stuff". I could just bring everything as is into my home and be thrilled with it all.
Thanks for inviting us in.
Wow! What a gorgeous home and decorating style you have created! I am loving all of the beautiful vintage treasures you have mixed in. Your clean white theme with accents of green is wonderful! I love the old clocks and your sentimental pieces...isn't it great to mix those in? Thank you for sharing your gorgeous home and fabulous ideas! I have a question for you as do you mark all of your pictures with your trademark? I would like to start doing that to my pictures! Have a blessed and wonderful day! -Nancy
I really love your home, that crate is fantastic...I've always loved wheels...Thanks for sharing! Lezlee
I can't wait for the tour to start again. My head is so filled with great ideas for next year. I loved the branches with glitter and silver balls.
Your house looks awesome. I could have it all in my house too. You have some really great finds.
Happy New Year!
Your house looks amazing. I could have it all in my house too. You have some really great finds. I need to get out of town more often.
Happy New Year!
I am overwhelmed with so many things that make my heart go pitter patter. If you get tired of the bus numbers Amy gave you, holler. The pallet, great deal! The wall with the tv on it, kick butt. What is above and below - greatness! And on and on. Love it! Thanks for sharing. ~Mindy
Everything looks so pretty. You did such a nice job decorating. Thank you for the tour.
Gasp! Everything in the tour was gorgeous. I am so sad Christmnas is over...just took down everything today ...until next year!
Hey GORGEOUS Lani....!
I hope you & your Family enjoyed a FABULOUS Christmas & a SPARKLING New Years Lovey....!
Please FORGIVE my lack of visits....I've been running around like a headless CHOOK & drowning my sorrows in 'NOT COOLANT'....hahahahaha....!
I have a DATE with your FABULOUS blog & your blog ALONE tonight where I will sit with a glass or FOUR of wine & catch up with all your happenings....But just for now I wanted to let you know I HAVE been thinkin' about ya....!
Cheers for now from Oz,
Tamarah :o)
Oh Lani I LOVED this tour....I took my time 'strolling' through this time around....It took me TWO glasses of wine to finish....I just WISH I could see it in person....!
SO MANY yummy GORGEOUS pieces & vignettes it's HARD for me to choose....I know FORSURE I see some GREAT MOOs....And you KNOW how I love a GOOD MOO....hahahahaha....
THANK YOU for sharing with us....!!
Cheers for now,
Tamarah :o)
OMG! I luuuuvvv your place! Luuuv that pallet! I've been wanting something like that myself. Where did you go to find it? Very cool!
Your site is wonderful!
I'm glad you got a real Christmas tree. They are way more fun then the fake ones. I would love to go to your house one day and just see all the beautiful arts and crafts.
-Zane of ontario honey
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