I love signs! Old signs, new signs, new signs made from old wood . . . you name it. I think they add to the industrial feel I have in my house. There's so many places you can put them, and so many ways to use them. Whether in a kitchen, outside on a porch, over a door way, where ever you feel like adding them. Here are a few of the ones I have in my house.

This is a street sign from England. I was told it was over 100 years old. It was way to heavy to hang it (it's cast iron) so I use it on my table as a centerpiece. It has to be one of my favorites!

I have this one hanging over my stove. It's made from old wood.

This sign I found and it had no stand but was double sided. I improvised!

One ringy, dingy . . . this was a sign that came out of an
old phone booth. Needless to say, it sits by my phone.

Another one of my many street signs sits above my cabinet.

I love these European house numbers. I put them on everything!

The other side says "Hello"!

This sign goes perfect upstairs with all my room numbers on all
the bedroom doors! I also have old hotel keys I'm gonna add to
it. It'll go along side of a "No Vacancy" sign I purchased!

I have quite a few of these store signs I use. I have one by my phone that states, "Please limit calls to 5 minues". Like that'll ever happen!

I'm sure you've see these.

This hangs above a door.
So there you have it. A small sampling of my sign obsessions. I may need to see a therapist. Hope you enjoyed them and they inspire you to get your own sign obsession!
I love all your signs! They are wonderful. I want to find some to put in my house...but I don't have a lot of wall space in here it is a very open floor plan.
This was my favorite post today! Love, love, love all the signs! Great idea for a post!
OH, girl I just love, love your signs!!! You know the telephone has always been my fav so if it ever needs to find a new home...I'm first in line!! Oh....and I'm so happy you made a sign with MY house numbers, too!!! Yep, 353 Stonecrest Loop...that's me! lol
What fun signs! I love them all :), they look so cool displayed in your home!! Really like your jadite ? dishes on the scale too!
Oh your blog is great!!! I love signs also.. You have some great ones..Thanks for sharing your awesome home, and great ideas....Toni
Love your signs! And all your wonderful decorations! Foundyou via MMeads -and I'm glad! have a wonderful weekend!
Love your blog! Love your finds and ideas! Thanks for sharing. Stop by and say hi,
I love signs too and yours are wonderful. What did you use as a stand for the one on the sofa table?
I'm having a photography contest over on my blog. hop over there and see if it's something you might want to participate in.
View my blog at:
Hi, Margo. Been sick and trying to catch up on things. Guess I missed a lot! First to your question on the sign stand, it is held up by the same type piece as your wonderful bird bath. It was part of some type of farm equipment. As to your contest, sounds fun. You'll probably want different things for different seasons, right. I might have something perfect for Christmas!
You have some very unusual signs! They're great! Karen
I am a sign junkie! I have them all over my house. There is just something about wood and metal signs I love. One favorite word on a sign can change your mood just by looking at it.
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