So today I started taking down my Winter decorations (how bad is that) in hopes of getting the Spring ones up. But I need some inspiration! I did purchase a couple of Amaryllis bulbs to get me started. Did you know they'll grow without dirt? You just have to wet the roots occasionally. How cool is that?
So my request to you is to help me out. Give me some of your ideas. Send me your blog links to your Spring decorations. I really need your input and motivation! You're help is much appreciated! Looking forward to all seeing all your creativity!
Lanette, I'm a little slow in taking mine down, too! I left my kitchen Christmas tree up until Feb 1st... but here's what I did this week. It felt really good to see some spring decs, believe me. http://opulentcottage.typepad.com/opulentcottage/2009/03/spring-perkup.html And thanks for the junk inspiration - love it! Andrea
My friend had the worse flu. Her stomach hurt so bad for days. Thankfully she is better now. I hate flus.
-Zane of ontario honey
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