Thursday, August 6, 2009

So Do You Miss Me???

It's been a long week. I'm sure you all know how that goes. I was just minding my own business, sitting working on my laptop, when poof! The screen went black....there was nothing. Just black. And what is it with computers and me anyway? What have I ever done to them? So maybe I work on them day and night, night and day. What's wrong with that? That's what my family seems to think anyway. Ha! But computers, they just don't seem to like me. Maybe I have that magnetic...electric thing. Whatever it is, I'm lucky if I have it a year before it's in the shop.

So here I sit, borrowing my son's laptop. Shhhh, don't tell him that. But I can't seem to get into the grove with his. It's just not my baby. Though it is practically the same model. But it's just not the same and I can't seem to create on it. What's wrong with me anyway???

Okay, I'll try to get those creative juices flowing. But I feel so lost. So maybe I just need a weekend to rest. Just be patient. I'll be back soon.

PS I have contest waiting in the wings so stay tune . . . .


LuLu said...

I know how you feel when your computer breaks! not fun at all! rest up and can't wait to see what you have waiting for us,

WhisperWood Cottage said...

Wishing your computer a quick recovery!! :)


Junk Girl said...

Okay, Lani, you seem a little bit stressed; unfortunately many of us know EXACTLY how you feel! Sit back with a glass of wine, sift thru some old magazines and relax - the weekends here! Andrea

decorator to the stars said...

i thought i was the only one having bad luck the past few days,i had to have a new hard drive put in mine. gio

pk @ room remix said...

I just found your site today and I love your work! I'm a big fan of black and white and I love words/letters so it's all working for me!

Zane Wooder said...

Were glad your still blogging. Where would I get my creative artsy ideas from without you here?

-Zane of ontario honey


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