Much as I hate these wars we're involved in and think they need to end, this video really moved me, and I haven't forgotten. Thanks for sharing, Lani. I'm re-posting the vid on my blog. Kim
As much as I would like for this to have been a terrible nightmare that never really did and I can never forget.Debbie
I will never forget. Beautiful song.
Thank you for that, Lovely song, and oh so true.Margo
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Much as I hate these wars we're involved in and think they need to end, this video really moved me, and I haven't forgotten. Thanks for sharing, Lani. I'm re-posting the vid on my blog.
As much as I would like for this to have been a terrible nightmare that never really did and I can never forget.
I will never forget. Beautiful song.
Thank you for that, Lovely song, and oh so true.
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