I've been meaning to get this out to you...it's coming up quickly! It's our first ever JUNKMARKET Under Glass "Fall Edition" and it's just around the corner! The spring one was so much fun, and we had such a great response, we just had to do it all over again!
I've been gathering up things throughout the summer and seem to be coming up with a couple of themes. Most recently I ventured out a couple of fellow junkers, Amy of Whisperwood Cottage and Jan Berg of Summerspell, to a local flea market where I found some great vintage pieces. See if you can pick out what themes where developing here. I've got a few pictures of some items I've found and cleaned up, but I have lots more to get ready! I'm such a procrastinator (can ya tell?).
I'm really hoping to meet a lot of fellow bloggers/junkers/JUNKMARKET-eers at this event. So please, please, please be sure to stop by and introduce yourself. I may not be great with names, but I'm certainly hoping to be able to connect with a lot of you. Please let me know your thoughts on here, too. I love hearing from you!
I found this great library book shelf.
It's just too cool for school....literally!
This pale blue metal mail sorter would be amazing used as wine storage. Wowzer...it sure could hold a lot of wine!
This is a post office scale.
Can you see a theme here?
But then again, I have another "blue" cubby! I might have another theme developing. Hmmmm....
Or maybe it's a scale theme I have going on? You know how I love scales!
And this one gives you the "exact weight"!
This ladder is all hand made...which makes it even more special!
What a find this vintage ballot box is. I just might have to keep it!
This window washer swing has some of it's original "blue" paint. It's gonna be the center feature of my booth.
This old "blue" heater is just a shell, but it still has that "cool" factor and contributes to one of my themes.
I think this piece is extra special. It may not get to the sale either.
Old wicker has really been speaking to me lately. Am I the only one?
I also found a boat load of these tin pieces...love! Now all I have to do is figure out what to do with them!
And after a good day of junking where do I go with my friend Amy...
...and my friend Jan?
Here's the rest of the details...again, please come and say hi!

Wow! I LOVE all of your great finds! A theme, eh? Hmmm, blue things, postal things, school things, storage things - I have no idea! All I know is that your both will look fantabulous!! Fun is!! Hugs, ~Leena~
Lots of fun stuff! Can't wait to see what you come up with - it's always interesting to see!
Show and Tell! Where are the finds from Oronoko?!?
I love the handmade ladder. The reason why I like it so much is because someone worked really hard to make it.
-Zane of ontario honey
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