Because it was missing the arrow, I want to the Rockler Woodworking Store (thanks, Sue, for the referral) for a clock hand. It worked perfect! I just used Gorilla super glue to keep it in place. Wa la!

The piece had a pipe on the backside and I decided rather than try to remove it, I'd use it to hold it in place.

I fortunately had a drill bit that was the perfect size. I was initially gonna have my hubby do it for me, but who needs him. The only trouble I had drilling the hole was doing it and taking the picture! Ha!

See, it fits perfect! Didn't you trust me? LOL!

To secure it more I used black sheet rock screws (so they would blend with the piece).

Like I said, I was also lucky enough to snag the matching push button to go with it. Wow . . . how awesome is that!

This piece was easy enough to attach it to the wall as the back plate unscrewed from the front piece.

I simply screwed the back plate to the wall first . . .

And then screwed in the top plate.

Up and, ah well, not actually working. But lookin' good

You know I love this!!
This is clever to the 9th degree! I love that you placed it above double doors...gives even more an illusion of an elevator.
I just have to share this bit of info with you. We were at an auction yesterday and one very similar to yours was in the catalog. I was going to pay close attention to what it brought since I lusted after yours. Well, when it got to $350 I knew it was not to be...heck, I knew it when it was at $100. I stepped out after that and I don't know what the final amount was, but girl it was crazy mad watching that thing go up and up! Good eye and great find!!!
What a great find...I love how you already put it up...somethings just inspire us.
OH MY GOSH I love love your elevator! That is brilliant!!!
can you tell I love it!!!
Wow, Too cute!
How stinking clever. I love it. It adds such character. Great post.
Oh love this so much , the best thing I have seen in a long time, bravo ,
Just beachy
That is just the coolest thing! What a great find and you did a super job displaying it.
Wow! that is so unique. I love the way you displayed it over two doors. Great find. Have a nice week. Sandi
Okay, I am beyond jealous!! THat is a showpiece...I love cool stuff like this, that no one else has. You scored big time!!
Can't wait to meet you at the Bonanza!!
Amazing idea!! So cute!!
Lani - You found the perfect spot for this piece - Very cool, my friend!! :)
Thanks, y'all. Glad you like it as much as I do! Debbie (trash talk), I would love to know how much the one you saw eventually went for! That's just amazing! Don't think I would have paid $350 for it. Actually I think I paid about $50 for both pieces . . . don't you love it when you get a deal on things!
Oh I love this! What a great new treasure.
LOVE your blog, Andrea (Junkfest)just called and told me you and Sue form Junk Syle stopped by my booth at the Sleepy Poet in Charlotte today, I am humbled... thank you guys so much for the nice compliments!! I wish you both could stop in my garage before you go home, you would die at all the chippy fun junk I have, Just brought in a huge load today!!! Thanks again, I hope you enjoyed the Poet!! Blessings, Janna
I great big heart love this! How clever!
Oooooooh I am on the hunt now!! LOVE THIS!! Great job!
Going UP?
love what you did with the really cool elevator parts -Quite clever!!!
Very Cool!!! Maureen
Good job Maureen. Nice to see that you can do everything yourself without your hubby to help you. I'm sure you felt a lot more confident after.
-Zane of ontario honey
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